• 05/05/2014
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    ANATOMY & MECHANISM The most common type of sprain to the ankle occurs when the foot rolls inwards. When this happens, one or more of the ligaments on the outside of the ankle get stretched or, if the force is great enough, tear. There are 3 ligaments on the outside of your ankle, called the

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    • 15/04/2014
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    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Carpal tunnel syndrome develops when a large nerve becomes compressed in the wrist. This is the nerve that controls the feeling to thumb, index finger and thumb side of the ring finger. This nerve also controls the muscles at the base of the thumb.The Carpal Tunnel is a small tunnel that allows this nerve and

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    • 15/04/2014
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    Adhesive Capsulitis or ‘Frozen Shoulder’

    Adhesive Capsulitis or ‘Frozen Shoulder’

    Although the exact mechanism causing frozen shoulder is unknown it is very common post-trauma, following injury and surgery. It can occur after injury to neural or muscular structures, or in some cases can occur spontaneously. It is most common between 40-60 year olds and more so in women. Although frozen shoulder often resolves on it’s

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    • 15/04/2014
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    Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Sprain

    Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Sprain

    The A.C. Joint is a combination of the collarbone and shoulder blade and it forms the top of the shoulder joint. In this joint there are ligaments holding the bones together similar to other joints, and as such can be injured in a similar manner. The most common cause of injury to this joint is

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